I just added a button to the Explore Map and the pop-up map you see when geotagging your own photos from the photo page (organizer support v.soon).
Using my l33t Skitch skills I’ll attempt to highlight it …

… but WAIT! You may not see it! It’s one of those “Power-User” type things…
To get the button to show up you’ll need some form of geo-locating built-in/plug-in type thing, or maybe you’re all smarty-pants and running a cutting edge beta version of a browser with location finding built in already. Perhaps you’ve already installed Google Gears, in which case we’ll use that.
Probably the easiest way of getting the button to appear is to pop over to the Loki site and click the “Try it Now” button, install the plug-in, then pop back to Flickr. Loki is from the SKYHOOK Wireless peeps, who all the cool kids seem to be using.
You can also click over to the Mozilla Labs and read more about their Geode project, about how location stuff will soon be built into browsers and everything and install their geode plug-in from there.
Either way, it’ll check all three “things” and show the button if it finds one, as more options come along I’ll add those too.
As an aside …
This is why you shouldn’t do graphical buttons and multi-language support at the same time.

… nightmare!