The Royal Observatory Greenwich has posted an absolutely lovely video about “astrotags“, writing:
“Astrotags are a new way to label your astronomy photos with their celestial subject and its location. This short film, made by Jim Le Fevre and Mike Paterson for the Royal Observatory’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year exhibition, shows you how. So have a watch, then astrotag your pictures at the Astronomy Photographer of the Year group on Flickr. If everyone joins in we can make a beautiful and accurate map of the night sky… so pass the word on.”
We’ve written about astrotags before, in a couple of posts titled “Found in Space” and “Tags in Space“, and earlier this year Fiona Romeo, Head of Digital Media at the National Maritime Museum, spoke about the Observatory’s astrotagging project asking the question “what’s the space equivalent of geotagging”? at Webstock09.
Tangentially related, we’ve also updated the wildcard machine tag pages to display related tags based on the current namespace or predicate. For example, if you go to /photos/tags/astro:name= you’ll see these other related tags in the sidebar on the left:

Now we just need people to make some astrotagging galleries!